When I started coming to Grace Church a few years ago, I had no idea what the Lord had in store for me and the lessons He would teach me. One of the most incredible blessings was the opportunity to work through the Redeeming Sexuality...

I’ve been married for 26 years now. I used to think that our sex life would be forever broken; broken because of misconceptions we both had from our childhood and broken because of sexual mistakes we each made, separately and together. Sex was...

Ten years ago if you had invited me to a Bible study on sexuality, I probably would’ve thought that was weird. Growing up, the extent of information I was given from the Church about sex was that I didn’t need to have it. ...

She had so many things running through her head during the Ezer conference. She had spent years trapped in the guilt, shame and remorse she felt from sexual sin in her 20’s. Praise God that he had set her free indeed!...

He works so hard every day. She can’t imagine the pressure he feels from bearing the weight of his job along with leading his familly. Sometimes she is in awe of the godly man he is!...

She stays up late almost every night, telling herself she has chores to do, emails that need responses, and her favorite show to watch. But really, she’s just avoiding a sexual encounter....

Her mother was abused, wounded and discarded. Her mother associated sexuality with evil and passed that down to her daughters. Her mother would tell her that she had a prostitute spirit and that giving herself to a man was dangerous and wicked....

She just can’t seem to get that old flame out of her mind. That relationship was so much more exciting than this one, she thinks. Her husband is steady, but life has gotten boring and predictable. Their sex life is ho-hum. ...

“How can he be upset?” she thinks to herself. Wasn’t she thinking of him when she wrote on her list, “make time for hubby?” She doesn’t know what he expects of her. He should be happy that she recognizes that she must...

It all began innocently for Miriam. She received a message on Facebook from an old crush that simply said, “Beautiful family. You’re looking better than ever.” It brought a smile and even some butterflies to get a compliment from this man who...

She was out with a man with whom she enjoys spending time. Together they watched what initially seemed like a “harmless” movie....

She puts the kids in bed after a long day and is anxious to sit back with a drink and watch her favorite drama on TV. She feels like this is exactly what she needs after a long day. ...

She looks at herself in the mirror and groans. Who is this frumpy, out of shape woman? After a couple of children and twenty pounds, Anne doesn’t feel attractive anymore....

God designed women and put us on this earth to be ezers. We share the same calling, but our individuality and season bring a uniqueness to bear on the way that calling plays out in each of our lives. As ezers, we are uniquely...