I have always loved productivity and have no doubt that I’ve been type-A my entire life. Case in point: as a young girl, I would go to my friends’ houses and clean their rooms while we “played”. Productivity was always bound up in my idea...

Because we serve a benevolent, kind, and all-wise King, justice is served in His sovereignty and perfection. We are freed from carrying the weight of this broken world because He has already stepped in to make it right on our behalf. Trusting in Him as...

The Christian life is marked by faithful endurance produced by confidence and trust in Jesus. We are able to love others and suffer well through the painful situations of our fragile world because we look forward to the hope and promise of our future reward...

Last week, we were reminded of the access to God that we have through Jesus; our need for access is met in Jesus and no longer in the tabernacle. Although the forgiveness of sins used to come through the sacrifice of animals again and again,...

I love a good children’s story; I love the way it engages youth and adults in equal measure. Some of these stories will undoubtedly be considered classics for as long as books are read: The Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit, The Giver, even Dr. Seuss....

As we have continued to walk through the book of Hebrews, the big idea remains the same: Jesus is Greater. Although the Hebrew audience is still caught in the old ways of a Levitical priesthood to grant access to God, the solution the author gives...

The prayer I prayed the most before we left for Israel was that I would retain and remember as much as possible. While I still fear that I might forget, what the Lord did for me instead was refocus my thoughts on what I needed...

God’s faithfulness is on display throughout history. Although we can lack belief that God will truly fulfill His promises, the writer of Hebrews reminds us that God will not back out and He will not change His mind; He will stay faithful to His people....

The author of Hebrews continues to warn us in Chapters five and six to check our souls to make sure we are not deceiving ourselves. We need to acknowledge that there is something at stake and that we always need to be progressing, growing, and...

When I read Hebrews 5:2, the sentence, “He is able to deal gently with ignorant and wayward people” resonates deep in my soul. Because that’s me—ignorant, wayward, rebellious, broken, sinful. The verse goes on to say, “because He himself is subject to the same weaknesses.”...

In Hebrews 4:14-5:10, the author is describing to us how Jesus is our “mega” high priest. Jesus was made high priest by God and He charted a path to God that was marked by His suffering, sacrifice, and obedience. Jesus is like us in all...

As believers, we can rest in the truth that we do not have to work to prove or earn our salvation. We need only to do the work of examining and exposing our souls. We are free from exhausting ourselves with good works, because our...

Jesus, both fully God and fully man, is the victorious and perfect atonement for our sins. Because Jesus became and remains fully man, He has the unique ability to join two worlds and to break the power of sin and death through the shedding of...

“Whatever fascinates us will guide us, so I pray that the only thing that will fascinate me is God and His marvelous glory.” – A.W. Tozer Before entering college, I had this skewed thinking that everyone was the same, in a general sense. I thought everyone...

In Christ a new humanity is formed. Those who live in the new humanity do not live disoriented, futile lives but instead have hope in Christ. God has the power to bring us from darkness into the light; however,...

Mystery is a central theme in the book of Ephesians. However, our culture has minimized the value of mystery. In our present intellectual atmosphere, precise and accurate knowledge is readily available. Science produces increasingly spectacular results. The social sciences seek to quantify (often successfully) aspects...

Whether you are the athlete, professor, artist, or engineer, if you are identified with Christ, you are now united as a family—brother and sister—in one body, the Church....