Study Guide | James Week 2

Through the writing of James, the Holy Spirit seeks to challenge the preconceived notions that fill our mind. As we study James 1:9-11, this passage is just one example of Scripture’s power to challenge and reverse our thinking and values in favor of God’s thinking and values. Here James introduces one of the major themes that we see throughout his letter: riches and poverty. But why, in the middle of the section talking about trials, would James write about wealth?

Having already spoken about single-minded devotion and rejoicing in trials, James is turning to more specific language for how this can apply to believers. Poverty and riches both put pressure on a person to focus on the world rather than Christ, and thus serve as trials in their own way. Each of us must ask ourselves: will my life be built upon the material resources of money, wealth, and prosperity on earth, or on the spiritual resources that God alone provides?

Click the image below to download the study guide for week 2 and begin preparing for this weekend’s sermon.
