Sermon Recap | Theology of Work | Rest

Today’s culture holds a different standard of rest and recreation than the Bible. If we don’t arm ourselves with the truth of rest in Scripture, we will chase after hopeless things and attempt to control what is not ours to start with. Rest is built into our lives to teach us to stop and trust that God is sovereign and in control. Recreation is diverting energy into something that is not work but expends energy , in a way that allows us to feel refreshed and invigorated. Rest and recreation are both contrary to the concept of escape. Jesus waits with open arms to take on our burdens and let us peacefully rest in Him.


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1. We live in a culture where leisure and adventure are idols, making it hard for us to truly rest. How have you seen this idol manifested in your life? What does rest mean to you?
2. Sleep is the fullest expression of rest. There are two unhealthy views of sleep: you might struggle to sleep because of your need to stay in control or you could use sleep as medication to escape responsibilities. Which of those ideas do you more closely identify with? What are practical ways you can change that and think of sleep as a humble, healthy, necessary exercise of faith?
3. Psalm 131 reminds us that we cannot concern ourselves with matters too difficult or too awesome for us to grasp. To rest is to calm our mind from these matters, repent of the pride rooted in these thoughts, and put our hope in the Lord. What thoughts have you been obsessing over recently? Where are you taking responsibility for something that is rightly only a matter of concern?
4. To lose yourself in a moment and play with no end in mind is actually closer to Sabbath than what we might consider productive recreation such as a workout. Playing in a biblical sense is to have joyful acceptance and delight in what God has given you. When is the last time you did something for the sheer joy of doing it? How well do you incorporate“playing” in your life? Do you have a balanced rhythm of work, recreation, and rest that is sustainable?
5. Psalm 46 tells us to be still and know that He is God. This means we have to cease striving- to work, to control, to understand, to wonder, etc. How do you feel when you “cease”? Do you find yourself feeling alone, empty, or anxious? Why?
6. Matthew 11: 28 says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” When was the last time you felt completely at rest? What does it look like for you to find rest in Jesus and lay down your burdens?

Thoughts to Consider

– It is biblical to both recreate and to rest. Recreating is a diversion of energy that is clarifying and invigorating, freeing you up to come back to your work with energy and a clear mind.
-We must recognize the difference between our concerns and responsibilities God has actually entrusted us with. Obsessing over things that God hasn’t put us in charge of is a form of pride.
– God created our bodies to need rest every day. We are to complete a responsibility, put it aside, and fully engage in the next thing. At the end of each day, we are made to put all of our engagements aside and truly rest through sleep.
– God built in a pattern of “ceasing” in creation. This pattern gives us a constant reminder of our dependence on Him. When we “cease,” we put into practice our trust in God, knowing that we are not living by our own strength and that we have no control over the circumstances of life.