26 Jul Sermon Recap | New Testament Characters | Martha
For many of us, Martha has been given a bad rap. She is infamously known as the tattle-taling, busy-body of the two sisters. But, in the midst of grieving over the death of her brother Lazarus, Martha exemplifies the life of one who does not grieve without hope. While Mary is home thinking and mourning, Martha acknowledges her confusion and disappointment, and moves towards the one she confidently believes loves her. In doing so, she comes to know Jesus in a way she has not before and illustrates a faith that cannot be shaken by circumstances or earthly grief.
Scripture References
1. Much of grieving well is predicated on the confidence you have in God’s love. Mary and Martha begin with a deep-seated confidence in this love. They expect that Jesus would do anything for them, even risk His life and return to the very area that He had been forced to flee from. How can you better embrace His love confidently in the midst of your own suffering?
2. Hopeful grieving involves movement. Martha moved toward the One she confidently knew loved her and her siblings. She was not looking for answers. Rather, she was looking for Jesus. If you are going through a period of loss, disappointment, or confusion, what does it look like for you to move toward Jesus?
3. Martha owns and expresses her disappointment and confusion. She does not come to Jesus with judgement, the right answers, or what she thinks He wants to hear. How can you take your grief to the Lord the way Martha did?
4. Martha chose to believe the best about Jesus. She had hope in His sovereignty, goodness, and power, even as she questioned why He had not come sooner. As you grieve, how can you find hope in knowing Jesus is still good?
5. Martha comes to know Jesus in a way she never had before. She learns that He is the Resurrection. And, because of this, she makes a great confession of faith. How might your suffering be leading you to a deeper understanding of the Lord?
Thoughts to Consider
-Part of the human experience is the process of grieving and loss. As believers, though, we are called to grieve as those with hope.
-Intimacy is not the product of understanding. Intimacy is the product of trust. When you trust someone you can be vulnerable with them. Having an intimate relationship with Christ means we must trust in His goodness amidst our grief and acknowledge our vulnerability to Him.
-The only way to experience confidence that Jesus loves you is by experiencing your own limited capacity and weakness. Knowing that He stepped into your circumstances, took your sins on Himself, and gave His life for you.

“Hopeful grieving involves movement—movement to where Jesus is. “
“God has a plan in which we are not the center.“
“The resurrection of one man would foretell the resurrection of all men. ”
“Grieving requires that we trust and believe the best about Jesus.“
“Our greatest hope in life and death is that Christ has power over all of it. “
“Intimacy is not the product of understanding. Intimacy is the product of trust. “