Sermon Recap | Exodus | The Red Sea

Throughout our lives, God continually shows us our need for Him by putting us in situations that challenge our control, and our response to uncertainty reveals the condition of our faith. As the evil in the world continues to remind us that we are not in control, God’s authority to judge grows more evident, and He receives glory through both judgment and salvation.


Overcome | Elevation Worship | iTunes

Christ Be All Around Me | All Sons and Daughters | iTunes

God With Us | All Sons and Daughters | iTunes
Joshua 1:9 • John 1:14 (ESV) • Psalm 68:19-20 (ESV)

Dwell | Aaron Keyes | iTunes
Psalm 91:1 • Isaiah 54:17 • Psalm 23:6

God of the Redeemed | Bethel Music | iTunes
Psalm 10:17-18 • Ephesians 1:4-6 • Romans 8:23 • Romans 9:4

The Rock Won’t Move | Vertical Worship | iTunes
Psalm 62:5-8 • 1 Peter 2:4-8 • 2 Samuel 22:47 • Matthew 7:24-27 • Psalm 18:2


1. Despite the miracles God had previously performed, the Israelites panicked when they were faced with the Egyptian army. What situations cause you to panic or despair? How can you trace those feelings back to unbelief or a lack of trust in God? What characteristics about God can you rely on to fight your disbelief in those circumstances?

2. God is on a mission to make us dependent on Him. What circumstances is God currently using to make you dependent on Him? How does your desire for self-sufficiency reveal itself in your actions?

3. There is always going to be something in your life that God will use to produce reliance on Him. In what ways do you choose to ignore your walk with God when life doesn’t go as you planned? What does that expose about your expectations of God? When is a time God has been glorified through difficulties you have faced?

4. Because we live in a gap between God’s judgment through the flood and the ultimate judgment He promises one day, it can be easy to become arrogant and proud and believe God will not judge evil as He has said He would. In what sin have you become complacent because judgment and consequences seem distant? When is a time that you experienced frustration that God hasn’t judged another’s sin quickly but expected Him to be patient with yours?  

5. As believers, we have already been delivered. What spiritual disciplines are easy for you to do with the mindset of earning God’s favor instead of the mindset of gratitude? How can you remind yourself that, like the Israelites, you did nothing to deliver yourself?

Thoughts to Consider

– Any idol is something we use to make our lives better and elevate ourselves.

– Despair is rooted in the belief that there is no one watching over us.

– We know that glory is bound to certain things because we demand it for ourselves.

– We don’t have the right to choose when we want God to judge and when we want Him to withhold judgment. As creator of the universe, only He has that right.

– As the cross of the Old Testament, the exodus symbolizes God’s deliverance of His people from sin and His call for us to walk with Him.