16 Jan Sermon Recap | Engage | Rescued & Responsible
We have a responsibility to share our story with others because we have been rescued from our sin. Our lives should cause people to notice that we are distinct, and we should be ready to answer their questions with confidence and humility.
Scripture References
I See the Lord | Vertical Worship | iTunes
All Creatures of Our God and King | David Crowder | iTunes
Psalm 66:1 • Psalm 148 • Luke 19:40
Come Thou Fount | Grace Church Worship
Ephesians 2:7-8 • 1 Peter 2:9-10 • Colossians 1:21-22 • 1 Corinthians 1:22
Man of Sorrows | Hillsong Worship | iTunes
Isaiah 53, 1 Timothy 2:5-6, Hebrews 5:5-9
I Am Not the Same | Grace Midtown Worship | iTunes
John 16:33 • Psalm 107:13-15 • Mark 13: 24-26 • 1 John 5:4-5 • Philippians 1:20-21
1. Life change is the most effective outreach ministry. Who is someone whose changed life impacted you and influenced your relationship with Christ? What evidence do you have that your life has been changed by what you believe? Can you clearly see a shift in the way you think and live from before you became and believer and after?
2. Has your life changed to a point that others ask questions? When was the last time you had to answer a question about your life and how you respond to circumstances?
3. We have become fearful of persecution that we have never even experienced and often lean on the false dichotomy between words and actions and believe only one is necessary for sharing our faith. Why is only one incomplete? When is a time you have been ashamed of sharing the gospel? What are you afraid of when it comes to sharing your faith with either words or actions, and where do you need to make a change?
4. We are all preachers of the gospel—we have natural credibility with those we are in direct relationship with. What are some specific relationships where you have natural credibility? How can you leverage that to talk about your faith?
Thoughts to Consider
-The Fall is both very cosmic and very personal.
-Being born into a Christian family does not make you a Christian. No one can be a Christian for his or her whole life—there has to be a movement from darkness to light.
-Living a moral life with strong religious overtones does not make you a Christian.
-There should be no false dichotomy between words and actions—we have to be willing to live what we believe and also talk about it.
-We need to be willing to suffer well, bearing up under it because we trust in a Messiah who goes beyond this world—He is worth our obedience.
-We should be confident enough in our faith that we don’t need others to believe it to validate us.