Recap | Me | Parenting: Raising Narcissus

In today’s culture, coming under authority is rejected, and suffering and adversity are seen as things to be avoided. In actuality, the reverse is true: obedience develops strength, and suffering helps usher in maturity and holiness. Obstacles rather than privileges are key in shaping character.

The most productive time for developing character is early in a child’s life. When we seek to befriend our children and fail to train them to respect and embrace authority, God sees this as a rejection of Him. We are encouraged to live in light of His authority by modeling and teaching our children according to His principles.


What Characterizes Your Children?

1. Are they characterized by humility?
2. Can your children work? Work is the great key to humility. It humbles and instills true confidence.
3. Are your children respectful or dismissive?
4. Can they receive direction? It’s hard for a child to be healthy without love and acceptance, but those things aren’t enough. They need direction.
5. Do they have spiritual interests?

What Kind of Tendencies and Weaknesses Do You as Parents Show?

1. Are you connected to your children?
2. Are you invested in learning how to train them?
3. Are you clear it is your job to train them spiritually, emotionally, practically, and socially?
4. Are you helping them with dating? Not allowing their friends to teach them what dating is.
5. Can you give your children correction?
6. Can you lead your children differently than other parents around you, or are you addicted to the culture?
7. Are you modeling these things well? What kind of life are you leading?
