His Perfect Child

I believe one of Satan’s greatest tools is shame. He wields it delicately and tactfully, yielding a greater blow than much else can muster. It slides into our hearts after being whispered in our ears and grows and divides like a cancer, forming new lies and belief systems.


The thing that is so powerful about shame is that it is based on truth. We have failed. We are broken. We missed the mark. We are unworthy. But, where shame resides, only part of the truth is believed.

You see, shame grows from and gathers life from the system of the law. It was put in place to show us our sin and need for a Savior. It has its place in conviction of our sin—for us to simply recognize the fallen state of our heart in any given situation and to repent. It, however, has been twisted and used as a tool to place us under condemnation.

Shame is a defining tool. It is the fine detailing instrument of the artist. It even slips into the crevices of our core identity. It debilitates. It lies. It leads to insecurity and most dreadfully, renders us useless. If we fall for the trap of believing the devil’s whispers of shame, we lose our footing, we are standing on shaky ground, our identity is questioned, and our confidence is dying…

But, Jesus.

“If we fall for the trap of believing the devil’s whispers of shame, we lose our footing, we are standing on shaky ground, our identity is questioned, and our confidence is dying…”

In one moment that was planned from the beginning of time, He entered in and bridged the gap. He clothed us in His righteousness, replacing the shame of our nakedness in the garden. We wear His goodness. He offers it to us as a beautiful garment that covers the pain, the filth, and the flaws. This is our new identity. We are His and we are perfect.

“For by that one offering He forever made perfect those who are being made holy”. —Hebrews 10:14

The problem is that, so often, we leave that beautiful garment hanging in our closet. We don’t take it and put it on even though it is already ours, bought for us, offered as a gift. That is simply the trick of the enemy. If he can have us believe that the gift is not enough or that it doesn’t really belong to us, then our confidence is shattered, we don’t walk in perfected love, and we are on the sidelines.

But, Jesus.

“We wear His goodness. He offers it to us as a beautiful garment that covers the pain, the filth, and the flaws.”

“. . . let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting Him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water.” —Hebrews 10:22

I believe this is why Paul tells us to put on salvation as a helmet (Ephesians 6:17). Actually putting on the truth that Jesus’ blood paid for our sin is one of the defenses that Paul lists to stand firm against Satan. As followers of Christ we are forgiven, but to really be effective against the lies and schemes of the evil one, we have to take the gift out of our closet and put it on. In putting on our helmet of salvation, shame has no place. Now we know our identity and can walk in it, love in it, and minister in it. So, every morning when we get up, let’s try to remember to put on this truth along with our clothing: Because of Jesus, shame has no place with me When He looks upon me today, He sees His perfect child.

Katherine Gouch

Katherine is a dreamer who finds herself in the messy beautiful of everyday motherhood. Kisser of boo-boos, taxi driver, or even referee can all define her at any moment, but mostly she is just His.  She can be found hanging with her hubby and kids, starting future unfinished projects, or just immersing herself in a good book. Katherine attends our Downtown campus.
