What is Cultor House?

Cultor House is a residential learning community and internship program for recent college graduates at Grace Church. As we continue to accept applications, here are a few question-and-answers that should shed light on the nature of the program for the prospective applicant.

What was the original thinking that led to the creation of the Cultor House program?

The big idea behind Cultor House was the development of the next generation. We wanted to create an opportunity to develop young people who are interested in dedicating a year to learning and being involved in how the local church operates, and being discipled on a weekly basis.

What qualities make a person a good fit for the program?

We’re looking for the recent college grad with a year to give and a heart for the local church and ministry. Interns will serve the church and be immersed in it for a full nine months, and learn what it means to give their life away for it.

We’re also looking for a person who wants to learn about who they are and how they are wired, which involves being open to real-time feedback. Lastly, we’re looking for people who are eager to grow in leadership ability and step into roles where they are needed.

Many college seniors today feel anxious about graduating due to a lack of vocational direction. How does the program help provide direction for those lacking it?

A big hope that we have for our interns is that they would gain self-awareness throughout the year. The program provides the context for that growth as we give interns an amount of responsibility that will test and push them in new ways. Along the way, they are learning and discussing some new ideas in classes. Within the program, interns have the opportunity to gain clarity on themselves that they didn’t have before.

The initiative is on the interns to engage with the process of the program. Our hope is that everyone will be able to know what their strengths and weaknesses are, will have a better grasp of the nature of work in general, and how they as individuals can serve the church and others well.

What are some other common characteristics of college students today that makes a program like this beneficial for them?

Many students are coming out of college missing that important self-awareness piece. We want to accelerate the process of self-discovery for them. Also, the value of the local church community has been lost on many students today. We hope that interns will come to see the importance of that community as they become fully immersed and rooted in it for nine months.


We are currently accepting applications for the 2015-16 Cultor House program. More information on Cultor House and how to apply can be found at whatiskairos.org.
