03 Jun Meet the Summer Interns | Kairos 2019
This summer we have 24 Kairos interns working in various ministries at Grace Church. Keep reading to learn a little bit more about these guys. Visit our Kairos website for more information about internships at Grace Church.

Allie Sullivan
From: Gilbert, AZ
Attends: Grand Canyon University
Major: Nursing
Year in school: Junior
Interning with: Harrison Bridge Students
FUN FACT: I love the outdoors! Except, I didn’t learn how to swim until I was in lifeguard training a year ago.

Allison Nye
From: South of Atlanta, GA
Attends: Clemson University
Major: Business: Psychology
Year in School: Sophomore
Interning with: Outreach
FUN FACT: I got picked up from elementary school in a golf cart (and so did most of the other kids).

Amanda Royaards
From: Greenville, SC
Attends: Clemson University
Major: Marketing
Year in school: Junior
Interning with: Ezer
FUN FACT: I have an incredible twin sister! I also did gymnastics for more than ten years and I have a lot of respect for the sport. I also really enjoy art: painting, drawing, and photography!

Annabelle Daniels
From: Boerne, TX
Attends: Clemson University
Major: Sociology
Year in School: Junior
Interning with: Central Kids
FUN FACT: I can see giraffes from my back porch in Texas.

Audrey Ann Crocker
From: Anderson, SC
Attends: Clemson University
Major: Health Science-Health Promotion and Education
Year in school: Senior
Interning with: Pelham Students
FUN FACT: I grew up dancing, from age 3-18, and I loved it so much (and miss it for sure). One of my favorite roles was “Little BoPeep” in the Greenville Nutcracker.

Ben Knudson
From: Ames, IA
Attends: Cedarville University
Major: Worship
Year in School: Junior
Interning with: Central Worship
FUN FACT: I have two older siblings that were adopted from St. Petersburg in Russia.

Bryce Long
From: Lexington, SC
Attends: Anderson University
Major: Computer Information Systems
Year in school: Sophomore
Interning with: Anderson Students
FUN FACT: I referee high school and middle school basketball for the state of South Carolina. I love what I do, even when others do not!

Drake Gilliland
From: Easley, SC
Attends: Clemson University
Major: Math Science
Year in School: Freshman
Interning with: Central Worship
FUN FACT: I can solve a Rubik’s cube

Ethan Caldwell
From: Ephesus, GA
Attends: Berry College
Major: Biology & Secondary Education
Year in school: Senior
Interning with: Harrison Bridge Students
FUN FACT: I’m the captain of the track and field team at Berry, where I pole vault. I can make 3 ping pong balls disappear, I have one really funny joke, and I play guitar/sing from time to time.

Grace Branan
From: Greenville, SC
Attends: Clemson University
Major: Psychology
Year in School: Freshman
Interning with: Central Worship
FUN FACT: I have 7 screws in my arm.

Isabel Burch
From: Lititz, PA
Attends: Lancaster Bible College
Major: Business Administration
Year in school: Sophomore
Interning with: Downtown Students
FUN FACT: I love shoes! I would rather buy a pair of shoes that I have no need for than an article of clothing that I do need, sometimes I go into health food stores just so that I feel healthy, and I do not like butter. If I can taste it in my food at all, I would rather it not be there.

Jada Smith
From: Spartanburg, SC
Attends: Claflin University
Major: Psychology
Year in School: Junior
Interning with: Mountain View Baptist Church
FUN FACT: I sing!

Jeniffer Escobar
From: Born in Colombia, SC but raised in Greenville, SC
Attends: USC Upstate
Major: Business Administration
Year in school: Junior
Interning with: Taylors/Español Campus
FUN FACT: I can move one eye while the other looks straight ahead.

Kaytlin Cook
From: Greenville, SC
Attends: Clemson University
Major: Psychology
Year in School: Sophomore
Interning with: Powdersville Students
FUN FACT: I used to be really involved in musical theatre and I love to swing dance. Also, I truly do not believe I know all 50 states and I am kind of good at flaring my nostrils to the beat of a song.

Kierston Mills
From: Greenville, SC
Attends: Spelman College
Major: Undecided
Year in school: Freshman
Interning with: Taylors/Español Campus
FUN FACT: I love fashion! I spend a lot of time keeping up with the latest trends and my friends and family come to me for styling advice.

Laurelyn White
From: Easley, SC
Attends: Wheaton College
Major: Double Major: Christian Formation and Ministry, Biblical and Theological Studies
Year in School: Junior
Interning with: Anderson Students
FUN FACT: I was a gymnast for nine years and I have ridden in a rickshaw in India.

Mariana Novakovic
From: Sorrento, FL
Attends: Berry College
Major: Communications, Public Relations
Year in school: Junior
Interning with: Communications
FUN FACT: My first job was working in a cactus nursery! And I have citizenship to three countries so that’s fun! I can also tread water really well—I could probably do it for hours—and I just really love the water.

Molly Horrocks
From: Greenville, SC
Attends: The E.I. School of Biblical Training
Major: Biblical Studies
Year in School: 2nd Year (Associates Degree)
Interning with: Travelers Rest Students
FUN FACT: I have been in over 20 different theatre productions! I can make a pretty spot on dolphin call (at least I think so…), a white tiger once peed on me, AND I have a freckle on my eyeball!

Peyton Deaver
From: Greenville, SC
Attends: University of South Carolina
Major: Marketing, Operations, and Supply Chain
Year in school: Sophomore
Interning with: Pelham Students
FUN FACT: I’m fluent in German and Spanish. I’ve successfully spread a dance move in Columbia. I have two different colored eyes. I unfortunately know every lyric to Macklemore’s Downtown.

Sarah Foster
From: Chapin, SC
Attends: Clemson University
Major: Elementary Education
Year in School: Senior
Interning with: Powdersville Students
FUN FACT: I’ve hugged a penguin, and my unrealistic dream job would be to be on Broadway.

Taylor Scott
From: Powdersville, SC
Attends: USC Upstate
Major: Middle Level Education
Year in School: Junior
Interning with: Spartanburg Students
FUN FACT: In 5th grade I genuinely believed I could be the next Hannah Montana. I only realized that I would not be the next Hannah after I sang a capella in a talent show that year; I found out later that my mom wanted me to sing without music so that I could hear the truth of how bad I was. Some would say it is a mother wound, but I say it was a necessary moment of truth. 🙂

Tripp Layne
From: Chapin, SC
Attends: Clemson University
Major: History
Year in School: Rising Junior
Interning with: Greer Students
FUN FACT: I fly across the country twice a year to Seattle to hike and visit my brother.
Ian Noble
From: Matthews, NC
Attends: Anderson University
Major: Graphic Design
Year in school: Junior
Interning with: Communications
FUN FACT: One summer, I read more than 25 books.
Andrew LaFlam
From: Greenville, SC
Attends: United States Military Academy (West Point)
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Year in School: Junior
Interning with: Central Students
FUN FACT: I have a fascination with/collection of Rubik’s cubes.