Living in Freedom

It’s February now and her New Year’s resolutions have fallen by the wayside.

She was so determined that things would be different this year.  She would actually lose those extra pounds, start eating in a more healthy way, and begin exercising every day.  She feels so discouraged!  She really hoped this year would be different.  But she is frustrated with herself and her life.  Why can’t she change?!

She’s been listening to the sermon series on Forever and reading Paul Tripp’s book entitled Forever too.  Something he says really strikes her: “quit looking for hope where it can’t be found and stop asking temporary things to give you permanent hope. ..Refuse to shop for what you have already been given” (pp 103-104).  This is where she has been.  She needs to keep hearing this message, to really let it sink in.  “Am I shopping for the hope and peace that I already have in Christ?   Am I making an idol out of the ideal weight?” she thinks.    All of this focus on self limits her ability to come alongside or lend strength to anyone.

As a child of God, her hope is in Christ and the confident expectation that the redemption he promises will be delivered!  She is fearfully and wonderfully made!   Of course, it’s a good idea to exercise and make healthy food choices, but she cannot be enslaved to that.  Christ died to set the captives free and one day our physical bodies will also be redeemed!  Jesus wants her to live in freedom, believing that he has given her everything she needs.  All things are possible through him!  With that motivation and heart change, she can invite, nurture and partner with those around her, focusing on others instead of herself.

Where are you living in bondage instead of freedom?  Are you shopping for what you have already been given?  Is a focus on self keeping you from living out your calling as an ezer?  Today, will you choose to live a defeated life or truly believe that His mercies are new every morning?

~Women’s Ministry Team