Ezer in Action

Two friends working together to show the love of Jesus

“I started out trying to be obedient to what God had told me to do, to build a relationship with Sharon so He could invite her to him. But now, I have made a friend for life.”

Over the past several years, Chris and Kelly each found themselves in a new season of life.  With children in high school and beyond, these two women were looking to invest their time in the lives of others.  Chris talked with a friend who was volunteering at the Frazee Dream Center in downtown Greenville.  What she learned and God’s prompting helped her identify a need; so many people were reaching out to the kids in this underprivileged community, but what about their parents?   Chris felt God calling her to invite some of the moms to a gathering to begin building relationships with them.  Knowing she needed a committed partner, she invited friend Kelly to join her in this new outreach opportunity to unbelievers.   Kelly was reluctant at first, and agreed to help just once or twice.  The initial “meeting” they planned was a scrapbooking event and six moms came, including a woman named Sharon.  In fact, Sharon, a single parent of three children, came to every event.  Sharon shared her small home with her three daughters and two grandchildren.

Kelly tried to move on to other ministry opportunities but God kept drawing her back to this group of women who so desperately needed Christ.  Over the next several months, Chris and Kelly poured the love of Jesus into all the women who came.  Sharon was the most receptive.  It was obvious to Chris and Kelly that Sharon lived in very difficult circumstances.  Partnering together and using their individual God-given talents and strengths, Chris focused on Sharon’s spiritual needs while Kelly concentrated on getting her physical needs met.  They helped Sharon get some much needed free dental work, as well as some donated furniture so her oldest daughter and grandchildren could move into their own home.  Sharon is now on a waiting list to learn to read.  Most exciting of all, Chris recently partnered with the Holy Spirit and lead Sharon to salvation in Jesus Christ!

Chris and Kelly are currently discipling Sharon in her faith by working through the book of John.  These women came alongside Sharon in her need, and they are serving her, intentionally and sacrificially.  By being obedient to God as ezers, they have helped lead Sharon from a life of sin and destruction to new life in Christ and a renewed hope. The ripple effect from one Christ-centered action is endless.

Through this experience, Chris and Kelly were also ezers to each other.  They nurtured each other by encouraging the other to step out and use her God-given gifts and talents to further God’s kingdom.  They partnered together for the common goal of being the vessels through which God could work and change Sharon’s life forever.   These selfless acts of love and speaking the truth to Sharon are exactly what brings glory and honor to Christ.  Chris said, “I started out trying to be obedient to what God had told me to do, to build a relationship with Sharon so He could invite her to him.  But now, I have made a friend for life.”  Chris and Kelly are truly putting “ezer in action!”

“Dear friends, let us not love with words and speech but with action and in truth.” 1 John 3:18

Do you know of an “Ezer in Action” story to share? Please click on the contact tab at the top of the page.  Based on your season of life, where is God challenging you to reach out and be inviting to others?  Reply below.

~Women’s Ministry Team

*The information in this post may not reflect the position of Grace Church.