Dancing Partners

Picture partnering as a dance.

When you dance with a partner the old fashioned way, you are both moving together.  The strength in the dance is that each of you has a different view and perspective.  These views can make the partnership stronger.  One partner will see things coming that the other one can’t see.  The important thing is to learn to dance well together, to learn to lead at times and to follow at times.  Dancing with two leaders can be painful.  If you don’t trust the signals, you can bump into others or step on each other’s toes.  The beauty and power of dancing together is seen in Matthew 18:20 which says, “when two or three are gathered in my name, there I am with them.”

A woman who partners well can be used by God to impact and change another person’s life.

Where is God call you to relinquish control, your agenda, and instead further the cause of another?

~Women’s Ministry Team