God Pursues
Everyone wants to be pursued. OK–I'm not sure that's entirely true, but I believe women have this desire ingrained in them early in life. ...
Everyone wants to be pursued. OK–I'm not sure that's entirely true, but I believe women have this desire ingrained in them early in life. ...
The word “Ezer” is used to describe God several times throughout the Old Testament, referring to God as a powerful source of help and strength. ...
I often don’t like what life serves me. I often imagine my days to look different. Then, I am easily discouraged and mad. ...
I am known by a lot of titles—school counselor, friend, church member, therapy dog handler—but the one that is my favorite is “aunt.” I always viewed this as a substandard title compared to “mom” until I went to an Ezer conference. ...
There is a flattering mirror in the gym that makes me look like I don’t need to be at the gym. I have noticed it and while I usually avoid mirrors, I actually linger in front of this particular spot. I have believed its lies...
It’s that time of year where most Saturdays include yard work. While my husband cuts the grass, I sink to my knees to pull weeds in our beds. It never fails to amaze me how effortlessly weeds can grow. ...
At times my life has felt like I have been on a long journey and someone else packed my suitcase....
Growing up, a lesson my parents taught me over and over again was “think before you speak.” Emotion-driven and selfishly seeking to be heard over others, there was a reason this was a constant point of discipline for me. ...
I’m very farsighted. Without my glasses or contacts, I can read a faraway billboard, but not a book right in front of me. I got my first pair of glasses around the time I took my first steps. It’s been a long series of “eye-opening”...
I have a good friend who decorated her dorm room in college with all kinds of things: pictures, paintings, dream catchers, a Relient K poster, quotes and Bible verses. One particular thing stood out to me, though. It was a sheet of paper attached to...
I have always loved productivity and have no doubt that I’ve been type-A my entire life. Case in point: as a young girl, I would go to my friends’ houses and clean their rooms while we “played”. Productivity was always bound up in my idea...
“I just need to see if you’re crazy.” A friend of mine said this to me one day as we were setting up a time to discuss what was going on in my life. ...
Is it July already? It seems like it was just a few days ago that a brand new year arrived and I was spending time looking back over 2017, taking stock of where I saw spiritual growth and, sadly, where I saw struggle with sin....
There are two types of dressing rooms in this world. The first, my favorite type of dressing rooms, are the ones with comfy chairs and trendy wall decorations and lighting dim enough to shadow the price tag and mirrors that somehow magically make me look...
At this point, three months have passed since the Shame conference that was held at Grace Church. And I am just now able to start articulating what God revealed to me during those days and weeks following. ...
Am I trusting in the promises declared to me in His word or am I placing trust in my ability to control and make sense of my world?...
My past, my shame, my guilt, my pain: that all too familiar voice in my head. Shame consumed me for the first half of my life. It felt, at times, like I was in a dark hole, bound in chains, unable to find my way...
I have recently noticed that on the familiar drive south to my hometown in Georgia, my spirit is literally nourished by the views....
When I was young there was a popular commercial about razors on TV. It featured men and women going about their usual way of daily shaving, when all of a sudden— Gotcha! —the razor would cut them, and they would wince in visible, marked pain....
When I started coming to Grace Church a few years ago, I had no idea what the Lord had in store for me and the lessons He would teach me. One of the most incredible blessings was the opportunity to work through the Redeeming Sexuality...
Growing up, I fell into the classic “good girl” category—a homegrown church-girl who followed the rules and dotted her i’s and crossed her t’s and never got in too much trouble....
I never feel like I fit anywhere. At best, I feel mildly out of place, but most of the time I feel like I am nothing—like I am the odd woman out. Let’s face it: I am socially awkward on my best day. ...
One of the really amazing things about being a part of a thriving local church is that I get to know and be known by people who are incredible examples of what it means to follow Jesus. ...
What comes to mind when you think of hospitality? A fabulous fancy hotel, a wonderful restaurant? Caring for people? Maybe a degree you can get in college?...
With the season of singleness comes great responsibility....