04 May Study Guide | James Week 11
“It’s my life, I’ll live how I choose.” Though very few Christians would have the audacity to actually
vocalize such an attitude, most — if not all — functionally live as though we believe it is true. Often we plan days, weeks, months, and even years out into the future with a great deal of presumption, not stopping to put our plans before God and consider his plans for our lives. In the midst of an autonomous, individualistic culture, we live out of a sense that we are in control of our time and activities.
Here James gives a strong warning to those who think they are in control of their own lives: living in presumption is dishonoring to God and reveals the pride within us. We take God’s will for granted by rarely acknowledging him in our life plans, and James will help us see why this is dishonoring to God and exhort us, in light of that, to do what is right.
Click the image below to download the study guide for week 11 and begin preparing for this weekend’s sermon.