11 May Study Guide | James Week 12
That James’ original audience had developed an infatuation with the wealthy is clear from the many passages in which he offers warnings to the rich or criticizes the church for giving deference to those with great means (1:9–11; 2:1–13; 4:13–17). In the face of great trials, it seems that many in this audience either placed great hope in their own wealth or had an inordinate longing to run in the same circles that the wealthy did. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
Regardless of whether the rich people James condemns are believers or not, we all must also pay close attention to James’ warning. His warning is given to those who use their superior resources (wealth, power, status, etc.) to oppress others and will ultimately stand accountable before God. The earthly wisdom that looks to money for security will fail in the last day, for when Christ returns, all that is not of eternal value will be destroyed.
Click the image below to download the study guide for week 12 and begin preparing for this weekend’s sermon.