One of the things I see clearly in the biblical narrative of Jacob’s life is how God never gave up on Jacob and the plan he had for Jacob’s life. It gives me comfort because I know he brings that same faithfulness and patience to...

My past, my shame, my guilt, my pain: that all too familiar voice in my head. Shame consumed me for the first half of my life. It felt, at times, like I was in a dark hole, bound in chains, unable to find my way...

Growing up, I fell into the classic “good girl” category—a homegrown church-girl who followed the rules and dotted her i’s and crossed her t’s and never got in too much trouble....

I never feel like I fit anywhere. At best, I feel mildly out of place, but most of the time I feel like I am nothing—like I am the odd woman out. Let’s face it: I am socially awkward on my best day. ...

Everything we do as an embodied image bearer reflects the nature of God. Do … [you] point others back to Him? (Body Matters, p.42) That question stopped me in my tracks. The idea that everything I do with my body being intended to point to...

Trust me, you do not want to be around my family on game night. Only the strong survive, my friends. This competitiveness is simultaneously one of the most endearing and exasperating characteristics of my family. Whether its poker, charades, Monopoly, Risk, Balderdash, or Settlers of...

As believers, we have direct access to God’s messenger and our High Priest, Jesus. However, we often settle for “good” things when we have access to the Greatest. We focus on and place our hope in the things of this world rather than the One...

The beginning of a new year always has a way of causing us to pause and reflect on the previous year, but to also look forward to the upcoming year. On Sunday, the teaching took us back through the history of our church, our unique...

When each of these previous roles came to an end- “basketball player”, “teacher/coach”, and “FCA staff member”- I found myself frustrated, discouraged, really seeking purpose and significance and questioning who I was. ...

Being seen, acknowledged, and admired has admittedly been a big driving force in my life. The never-satisfied hunger for approval and attention has motivated many of my decisions. When I was little, I would dream of being a movie star. I pictured myself surrounded by...

As a twenty-something, the pressure to develop your own identity, to stand out of the crowd, seems to keep growing.   The entire concept behind Facebook hinges on how you want to be perceived by others. You choose your profile picture, update your status, control what...