God instructs the Israelites to build a tabernacle in the center of their community—the tabernacle that would establish His presence among His people. Through the Israelites’ obedience, God is creating a way to be in relationship with those who trust in Him....

In Exodus 33 and 34, Moses wants to know God more; He wants more of God’s presence. He experiences the unimaginable blessing of meeting with God and getting a small glimpse of God’s actual physical presence....

Suffering is integrated into the life of every person, both believers and nonbelievers, because of the broken world we live in. Instead of being surprised by suffering, we should root our perspective in the truth of the Bible–that this world is broken by the presence...

When we pray, we speak or think in real, concrete language. How does God reply to us if He doesn’t use an actual voice; how can we be sure a “still small voice” or something similar isn’t just our mind making up what we desperately...

A couple of years ago a friend told me she was memorizing Ephesians 3:14-21, and I decided to join her. With lots of repetition and persistence, the passage began to settle in my memory. I have repeated it to myself probably hundreds of times since...

Paul praises God for the faithfulness that marked Christ followers in the city of Ephesus. He prays that the church will gain deep insight into the Lord’s powerful working and rich gifts in Christ....

God loved you, chose you, created you, adopted you, purchased you, redeemed you, forgave you, and sealed you. You are His. There is nothing you did to earn these spiritual blessings. They are solely rooted in His character, desire, and good pleasure. ...