Sermon Recap | Theology of Work | A Biblical Perspective

Genesis 1:1 shows us that work is an activity of God, before anything else.  His work ethic from the beginning, an example given to us through creation, sets the stage for a life of work.  However, as humans, we recognize the challenge of working in a healthy way.  The fall of man has made work a confusing undertaking in many ways.  We have difficulty connecting our work to how we serve others, making our work feel meaningless and frustrating. We struggle to properly identify and accept who God tells us we are, and oftentimes we attempt to define ourselves through what we do, and how we do it.  But, if we are willing to take our time, listen to God’s direction, and embrace our identity as sons and daughters through Christ, the opportunity to work well is attainable.


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1. Work is an activity of God. God worked and He saw that everything He made was very good (Genesis 1:31). How do you view work? In what ways have you grown to love it or maybe even despise it?
2. Because work is spiritual, God cares about your work. If you truly believed that you matter and your work matters to God, how would that change the way you live your life and perform in your job?
3. The default of the human heart is entitlement. Due to this, we can become envious, making us unproductive in our work and focused on ourselves. In what areas of your job are you envious or ungrateful? How can you begin to replace those feelings of envy with gratitude instead?
4. Serving with skill and excellence in our work may be one of the best ways to love God and other people. Are you aware of how your work serves or benefits others?6.
5. Work can be frustrating and hard, but it’s one of the primary tools God uses to mold our character. Difficulties, disappointments, discouragements, failures, detours, and delays can be some of the most productive experiences of our lives. In what ways has God molded your character through work?
6. At times we may tend to over-identify with our work while other times we may under-identify with it. At both ends of the spectrum we are searching for meaning and fulfillment apart from God. What consequences do you experience from over or under-identifying with work?

Thoughts to Consider

– God created. Genesis 1 is a journal of His work. Because we are made in His image, we are made to work.
– You and your work matter to God. God is neither impressed nor depressed by our actual job title. He cares more about the “how” than the “what.”
– A life-changing perspective on work is to work to benefit others, not to benefit ourselves. When we are very clear on how our work serves other people, we can stay focused.
– Gratitude increases productivity and effectiveness, but envy kills it. Removing yourself from envy means replacing it with gratitude.
– Providing for those dependent on us will sometimes be the strongest and most noble motivation for us to work. –
– Under the hand of a sovereign God, suffering is never wasted. It is quite purposeful. We are called to lean into the difficulties and suffering that comes from our work.
– Work is good because it moves us from being a burden to being generous. It allows us the opportunity to bless those around us.