06 Jul Sermon Recap | New Testament Characters | Paul
Paul’s life embodied one simple statement, to suffer for Christ is gain. At the hands of a fallen world, and for the sake of Christ, Paul suffered unfathomable losses. Yet, he called this suffering a privilege, marrying the idea that if you are going to follow Jesus, you are going to suffer for Him. We are first introduced to Paul, at the time, Saul, by Luke. He explains that Saul is watching on and approving of the stoning of Stephen. However, through Saul’s transformation to Paul, the Lord takes a persecutor of Christians, blinds him, heals him, redeems him, and then chooses him to take His message to the Gentiles, the kings, and the people of Israel. Through Paul’s journey, he is imprisoned, beaten, shipwrecked, starved, stoned, and eventually martyred. Yet, Paul’s embrace of his temporary suffering achieved eternal value. And, because of that, we can become a people who do not grieve as ones without hope. We can, like Paul, discard all else just to take hold of Christ. We can risk it all for the sake of the cross. And, we can know the joy set before Christ as he endured the cross, scorning its shame.
Scripture References
Philippians 1:29
Philippians 3
2 Corinthians 11:23-28
2 Thessalonians
Acts 7
Romans 5
Hebrews 12
James 1:2
1 Peter 4:2
Matthew 5
1. When our ultimate goal is not Christ then any suffering is a threat to us and we spend time trying to avoid it. We can turn to a self absorbed form of suffering where we self-medicate to fill the loss and pain and insecurity as quickly as we can. However, God intends to use our suffering for His purposes. Where are you spending energy trying to avoid suffering instead of allowing the Lord to use it to develop your endurance and godly character?
2. Our suffering and trials are most often because of living in a broken world. These might include: infertility, caring for an elderly parent, a rebellious child, and death. Paul suffered extensively because of his faith in Christ. What evidence is there in your life of risking yourself on mission for Christ.
3. Do you see your suffering as a way for God to accomplish something in your life and draw you to him, or as an obstacle to your comfort and purposes you have set for yourself?
4. What freedoms have you given up because you are living sacrificially? Can you embrace suffering because you have discarded everything else but Christ?
Thoughts to Consider
-When you are unprepared and unwilling to suffer for the sake of Christ, suffering is a threat to the life you have built.
-The suffering of this world is temporary, but embracing it well, like Paul, can achieve eternal value. “Blessed are those who suffer for Christ sake.”
-Romans 5:3-5 tells us that we can rejoice through suffering because it produces endurance; and, endurance develops character, and character strengthens our confidence.
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“If you are going to spend your life on God’s mission, you are going to experience suffering.”
“God can use our suffering for His purposes, but Satan can as well.“
“When our ultimate goal is not Christ, any suffering is a threat.”
“We can rejoice in our suffering and believe that God uses it for His eternal purposes.“