Sermon Recap | Exodus | Exclusive Loyalty

As we continue to walk through the book of Exodus, we continue to be reminded of the truth that we are broken in the same ways as the Israelites. While we may not be worshiping idols in the same shape or form, we choose our own functional gods and idols to fuel our own desires every day.


Overcome | Elevation Worship | Spotify
Romans 8 • Psalm 16:7-11 • John 16:31-33

In Christ Alone | Kristian Stanfil | Spotify
Jude 1:24-25 • Philippians 3:7-11 • Acts 4:8-12 • Romans 8:38-39

Nobody Like You | Red Rocks Worship | Spotify
Psalm 33:6-7 • Exodus 15:11 • Philippians 2:5-11

But God | Village Church| Spotify
1 Peter 2:9 • Ephesians 2:4-7

Yahweh | Hillsong Worship| Spotify
Exodus 3:14-15

Exalted Over All | Vertical Worship| Spotify
Philippians 2:6-11 • Colossians 1:15-20 • Revelations 1:5-8


Teaching Slides Here

1. Some people see the Ten Commandments as a list of rules, a good luck charm, or a symbol of Christianity. Which of the views of the Ten Commandments can you relate most to? What circumstances or context from your past has shaped your understanding of the commandments?

2. God wanted the Israelites to put all of their faith in Him instead of trying to “cover all of the bases” with multiple gods to meet their deep needs. What functional gods are you depending on to meet your needs? How do these idols point back to self instead of towards God?

3. For all the differences we see between the Old and New Testament, there are more streams of continuity. When God gives us the Ten Commandments, we see the same pattern as we do in the New Testament: God saves and rescues His people, and then He gives us direction. The evaluation of us (or our salvation) is based on what Christ did for us not what we do for God. How can this truth influence your motivation for obedience?

4. Matt gave us the following diagnostic questions to consider when thinking through what our idols may be: When the pressure is off, what do you dream or think about most often? How do you escape or comfort yourself from the stress of your daily life? What can you not live without? How can your community hold you accountable to turn from the idols that you have identified and depend more on God?

Thoughts to Consider


The Israelites use idols to create access to their gods, or things that they need (fertility, crops, sun, rain, etc.), focusing on satisfying their own desires. We have different names for our idols, but they ultimately lead us to serve one thing—self.

– We all try to manage and meet deep needs inside of us through many worldly avenues. However, these needs can only be met through a transcendent God who knows us intimately.

– When God gives us the commandment to have no other gods but Him, He is affirming that He is the supreme ruler over everything. Although our minds naturally splinter to try and cover all of our bases with different gods, attempting to be self-sufficient, God constantly reminds us that He alone is sufficient.

– In Exodus 20:6, we see that God is fierce in His judgment, but He is infinitely more loving than He is judging. This is the kind God that we have access to.

– When we consistently find our value in the things of this world, we are putting all of our hope in things that cannot handle that weight. You can rally all your energy into trying to save something or create something that cannot be saved, or you can be reminded that this world is passing away and that we need something outside of ourselves to rally to. Only the true God, the true Creator, can really give life.
