Meet the Interns | Cultor House 2015-2016 | Take One

Each year from August to May, Grace Church offers an internship called Cultor House. The internship provides recent college graduates with the opportunity to learn and work in the ministry structure, while also gaining experience in another part-time job. Interns also receive teaching and instruction from Grace pastors and staff. This year we have six Cultor House interns who have just graduated from college. Keep reading to learn more about them, and stay tuned for more bios next week!

Adrionna Pruneda


Where are you from?
Charleson, SC

What was your major? 

What school did you graduate from?
Anderson University

How did you find out about Cultor House? 
I learned about Cultor House through the Anderson campus while attending a Discovery class.

What are you going to be doing at Grace through Cultor House? 
I am the children’s ministry intern for Central and I am working for Allyison Merritt.

Where else will you be working? 
Line therapist for the Early Austism Project.

What’s the best book you’ve read in the last two years? 
A House in the Sky

What’s one interesting or weird fact about you? 
Both my parents are prior military and we moved around a lot when I was growing up and we spend some time living overseas.

What’s your dream job?
Working as a social worker for an elementary school.

If you had to describe yourself in hashtags, what would they say? 
#coffeeandtheword #sweaterweather #toblessedtobestressed

What’s one thing you hope to learn, experience, or gain through Cultor House? 
I hope to gain a better understanding of the Gospel overall. I want to be better equipped to share my faith in a meaningful and productive manner.

Anna Baumgartner


Where are you from?
Ames, Iowa

What was your major?
Child, Adult, and Family Services

What school did you graduate from?
Iowa State University

How did you find out about Cultor House?
I had a friend who did Kairos in summer of 2013. She recommended doing Kairos or any internship through Grace and after talking with her more and praying about what I should do post-graduation, I decided it was a good move.

What are you going to be doing at Grace through Cultor House?
Student Ministry at Pelham Campus

What’s the best book/movie you’ve read in the last two years?
Jesus the King by Timothy Keller! (Please read it if you haven’t!)

What’s one interesting or weird fact about you?
I have a lot of extended family on my dad’s side. He has 16 biological brothers and sisters–so the number of cousins I have is wild!

What’s your dream job?
Photographer & world traveler–some combination of both.

If you had to describe yourself in hashtags, what would they say?
#MidwestisBest #grannieannie #casual

What’s one thing you hope to learn, experience, or gain through Cultor House?
I hope to be able to grow closer to Jesus in a real way. I want to trust Him with my future and my dreams and that He has created me with specific gifts to glorify and draw people to Himself (is that one thing?!)

Matt Liebmann


Where are you from?
Greensboro, NC

What was your major?
Business Administration

What school did you graduate from?
Bob Jones University

How did you find out about Cultor House?
Attending services at Grace. Shout out to my Saturday evening people!

What are you going to be doing at Grace through Cultor House?
Student Ministry at Harrison Bridge

Where else will you be working?
Cut Above Enterprises

What’s the best book you’ve read in the last two years?
Go Set a Watchman (Really, it’s great. Don’t listen to the critics)

What’s one interesting or weird fact about you?
I got kicked out of the Vatican because I laid myself down on the floor of the Sistine Chapel to get a better view of the ceiling.

What’s your dream job?
When I was younger I wanted to be the voice of one of the Muppets, but now I’d like to start my own business.

If you had to describe yourself in hashtags, what would they say?
#NC #barbecueconnisseur #showersinger #ragamuffin

What’s one thing you hope to learn, experience, or gain through Cultor House?
I would really like to learn about how how a church operates and pick up some practical things that I can do to help the churches I am a part of for the rest of my life.

For more information on our Cultor House Program, visit
